Victorian Home Renovation Ideas Melbourne’s Bayside Suburbs
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Victorian Home Renovation Ideas Melbourne’s Bayside Suburbs

Melbourne’s bayside suburbs are renowned for their natural beauty and sensational beaches. With some of the best beaches our country has to offer as one of the main attractions, bayside residents get to enjoy the best of both worlds – the city life and beach life.

The bayside suburbs are also known for their modern lifestyle, especially when it comes to architecture. Most of the bayside suburbs pride themselves on their modern homes however, there are still a few hidden gems you can find. Every now and then you will find a classic period home that is in desperate need of some elbow grease and a bit of tender loving care. Most of these place is ideal for those that enjoy home renovation projects.

When it comes to a Victorian-style period home, it can take a lot of work, planning, attention to detail and professional help to bring it back to life. 

Types Of Victorian Homes

There are a few different types of Victorian home designs. Knowing the type of home you have is an important step in the renovation process because this will be your guide in determining the process. This will impact things like the materials and even the builder you will hire among many other considerations. Here are some of the most common Victorian period building designs: 

  • Queen Ann – this type of Victorian home combines aesthetics and function. They typically feature large windows, gabled porches, circular towers, and heavy ornamentation.
  • Gothic Revival – these types of houses typically feature pointed arches, front-facing gables, and steeply pitched roofs. This design was inspired by medieval castles and churches. They exude a moody and dramatic atmosphere with their heritage features. 
  • Folk Victorian -They feature more subdued Victorian features which are usually focused on the roofs and porches. It is a more modern design of all Victorian homes. It is usually a combination of the romantic Victorian and modern style. Folk Victorian homes are rare today.
  • Italianate – Inspired by Italian villas, they typically only have two floors and feature low ceilings, wide eaves, huge front porches, Corinthian columns, and arched windows. 

Victorian Home Renovation Melbourne Bayside Suburbs

Common Renovations You Can Make To Victorian Period Homes

  • Extending the side and rear part of the house. Most Victorian homes are relatively small to medium in size. If you have a growing family or simply need more space, building a home extension that is independent of the main foundation of the home is the most practical approach. This way, you do not cause damage to the foundation and the structure itself. 
  • Convert the old basement into something functional for modern living. Old basements are usually unused and left to rot. Make use of the space by converting it into something useful that you and your loved ones can use and enjoy. A game room or a family room are great options.
  • Update or enlarge the kitchen and living room. Period homes are not known for their open space and layout. If you live in one, you most likely need to extend these small spaces and update the layout so it can accommodate modern features, appliances, and accessories. A Victorian home layout is no longer practical function-wise.
  • Update the bathrooms or install new ones (maybe an ensuite). Victorian home bathrooms are typically small, outdated, and designed for sharing. Bedrooms are not built with ensuites. Update bathrooms to make them spacious and modern or build new ones like an ensuite or a powder room.
  • Convert the loft. Lofts tend to become a storage area. Make better use of the space by converting it into a playroom, a hobby room or anything you and your loved ones will enjoy.
  • Repair the brickwork and painting. Sometimes, a simple repair or restoration of the brickwork and painting can do wonders.
  • Restore or replace the plasterwork. Cornicing and ornate plaster designs mostly found in ceilings are tricky to restore but it can be done. Sometimes, you will need to replace them entirely. Make sure you use the best quality materials and high-quality work because imitating period home features can become tacky if you are not careful.
  • Restore or replace sash windows. When it comes to Victorian homes, always choose restoration first. Unless it cannot be done, that is the only time you should consider replacements. 
  • Pay attention to the flooring. Most homeowners love covering their floors with carpets because it is easier to clean and maintain especially if they have children. Check underneath the carpets to see if you have hardwood floors. If you have the original floorboards, this will increase the value of your property. Hardwood floors are easy to bring back to life. 
  • Update the interior decoration. Sometimes updating the furniture, fixtures, and decorations is all you need. Bring in modern appliances, lounges, ottomans, modern paintings, and many others.

Victorian Home Renovation Melbourne Bayside Suburbs

When it comes to Victorian homes, it is highly recommended that you check with your local authorities for any restrictions. Consult professional designers and builders to make sure that you are doing your renovation project correctly.

Home renovations are expensive but this can be even more so for Victorian and Period homes. Make sure your project is finished on time and on budget by getting expert help. 

If you are planning any extensions and renovations on your Victorian bayside home, please call us at Bayside Extensions today on 03 9596 0368 or leave an inquiry

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